Duration : 2:20

Downloads : 16776

Two musical robots with different tastes find a common enemy in a commercial mainstream-style musical robot. (Contains violence)

on 15 February 2005
Dit is een echt leuk verhaaltje, hoe vaker je hem ziet hoe leuker het wordt, is er mischien meer van dit met zulke robots in het script?
Dit is een echt leuk verhaaltje, hoe vaker je hem ziet hoe leuker het wordt, is er mischien meer van dit met zulke robots in het script?
on 19 February 2004
Amazing. The pink robot made me laugh no end! Great story and great animation! Really funny. Gets better and better the more you watch it. Brilliant. Well done.
Amazing. The pink robot made me laugh no end! Great story and great animation! Really funny. Gets better and better the more you watch it. Brilliant. Well done.
on 5 July 2001
Great personalities of the characters.
Great personalities of the characters.
on 12 March 2001
Excellent !
Excellent !
on 1 March 2001
on 28 February 2001
The story..well..anyway..
The animation was very good and nice enviorment interacion...(robo hitting ground)
The story..well..anyway..
The animation was very good and nice enviorment interacion...(robo hitting ground)
on 23 February 2001
Xcellent story
Xcellent animation
good job
Xcellent story
Xcellent animation
good job
on 21 February 2001
Good movement and rather good story
Good movement and rather good story
on 19 February 2001
Very nice 3D animation. I also liked the minimalist scene.
Very nice 3D animation. I also liked the minimalist scene.