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donwloadUploaded on 7/9/09
A very strange camera : it makes possible to steal reality
But the pictures rebel against the photographer...
Who will win ? The pictures or the photographer ?
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imCessB on 26 January 2014
i like it
merian on 24 August 2013
kaneesht on 22 October 2009
its raely good
Zloddy on 1 October 2009
Great Idea. But at the and something goes wrong. Too much effects with the photos - it looks not naturally... 4/5.
jne on 10 September 2009
Bravo Pascal pour ce superbe film. Je me suis régalé : )
Jérôme (webmaster
Karaz36 on 8 September 2009
Thank you very much to have seen my short "Photograbber". It is a great pleasure to receive comment.

First question : In the store, Marie (the young woman with blonde hair) shows to him how the "Photograbber" works.
Marcel (the heroe) didn't take a photography (no flash).

Second question :
- all the action from the begining was in the model of the store made by Marcel. Perhaps it was a Marcel Dream.
- If you talk about the photographies, they symbolised the idea of many old peoples across the world: when you take a photography of a man, for example, you grab (you rob) also their soul.

I'm sorry for my very poor english.

All the best for you
Finiderire on 7 September 2009

I liked it until the moment things go wrong for the Hero

Why the photograber has no effect when it is used for the first time in the shop ?

What happens in the end in nearly ununderstandable.