Duration : 5:39

Downloads : 119533

Ornaments is a computer-animated short about a mischievous, little Christmas decoration with a hunger for some milk and cookies. To reach them he'll have to conquer his fear of heights, pull a few daredevil stunts, and make a bit of a mess along the way. The action and cinematography are closely choreographed to classical music for a delightful visual presentation, full of surprises and charm.

on 24 December 2012
on 17 December 2006
Superb - - thanks for letting us download.
Superb - - thanks for letting us download.
on 14 December 2005
on 21 March 2004
Ornaments was a very well done short movie! I loved it! It was also very funny and clever!
Ornaments was a very well done short movie! I loved it! It was also very funny and clever!
on 16 January 2004
Wow, what a superb animation, a real work of art. Particularly loved the Domino affect to get the cookies.
Well Done !!!
Wow, what a superb animation, a real work of art. Particularly loved the Domino affect to get the cookies.
Well Done !!!
on 10 December 2003
è bellissimo!!! mia figlia di 2 anni l'ha visto in tv e se ne è innamorata subito. L'ho scaricato perchè lei vuole rivederlo di continuo.
Grazie e Buon Natale
è bellissimo!!! mia figlia di 2 anni l'ha visto in tv e se ne è innamorata subito. L'ho scaricato perchè lei vuole rivederlo di continuo.
Grazie e Buon Natale
on 21 July 2003
UNBELIVEABLE!! An excellent animation, so inspiring! Perfectly timed to the music. I hope that you get picked up by someone like Pixar soon and get your talent recognised....... Well Done!!
UNBELIVEABLE!! An excellent animation, so inspiring! Perfectly timed to the music. I hope that you get picked up by someone like Pixar soon and get your talent recognised....... Well Done!!
on 18 May 2003
Hello there...I love creativity..i make music..i LOVED this animation i think its probably the best ive seen so far in my life..no wonder even after 3 months since i last saw this site it is the 'movie of the week.
Hello there...I love creativity..i make music..i LOVED this animation i think its probably the best ive seen so far in my life..no wonder even after 3 months since i last saw this site it is the 'movie of the week.
on 18 March 2003
very cute... i also like cookies, and i understand very well the motivations of santa claus...
i live in a larch, which is a tree, and cookies are very unusuals...
please send me some cookies at this adress:
1555 downing street
06100 Mercantour city
very cute... i also like cookies, and i understand very well the motivations of santa claus...
i live in a larch, which is a tree, and cookies are very unusuals...
please send me some cookies at this adress:
1555 downing street
06100 Mercantour city
on 11 November 2002
Excellent - the musical choreography and timing are beautifully precise. Applause!
Excellent - the musical choreography and timing are beautifully precise. Applause!
on 8 October 2002
Wow! The animation and the usage/selection of music could not be better. Very well done. Congratulations!
Wow! The animation and the usage/selection of music could not be better. Very well done. Congratulations!
on 16 June 2002
It's good to see that people make a beautiful job like this.It was great to watch the movie,really suberb and big quality for the 3D.Please make more!!!!!!
It's good to see that people make a beautiful job like this.It was great to watch the movie,really suberb and big quality for the 3D.Please make more!!!!!!
on 8 May 2002
I do agree this is a masterpiece..The story line was terrfic and the action sequences were so entertaining and really funny.
Keep up the great work.....Download it fast
I do agree this is a masterpiece..The story line was terrfic and the action sequences were so entertaining and really funny.
Keep up the great work.....Download it fast
on 1 May 2002
Terrific plot, great animation. You made me laugh out loud with this one. Santa's only goal was to get to the cookies! Keep up the good work and waiting for the next one.
People what are you waiting for? DOWNLOAD!!!!!!!!!!DOWNLOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Terrific plot, great animation. You made me laugh out loud with this one. Santa's only goal was to get to the cookies! Keep up the good work and waiting for the next one.
People what are you waiting for? DOWNLOAD!!!!!!!!!!DOWNLOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on 24 March 2002
very..........very..........very good
very..........very..........very good
on 22 December 2001
An excellent short that is delightful to young and old. Parents will especially love this as their kids cheer for the little guy! The music was timed nicely with the action. It is well done, especially his expressions. Anyone who does not like this short is nothing but an Ol' Scrooge at heart.
An excellent short that is delightful to young and old. Parents will especially love this as their kids cheer for the little guy! The music was timed nicely with the action. It is well done, especially his expressions. Anyone who does not like this short is nothing but an Ol' Scrooge at heart.
on 19 December 2001
An absolute masterpiece that can be enjoyed by young and old alike. I look forward to more adventures with "Indiana" Claus.
An absolute masterpiece that can be enjoyed by young and old alike. I look forward to more adventures with "Indiana" Claus.
on 14 December 2001
Really cool, good soundtrack!
Really cool, good soundtrack!
on 5 December 2001
Beautiful all the family loved it.
Beautiful all the family loved it.
on 28 July 2001
This is so great!!! It's hilarious. Good, clean, comedy. I loved it!
This is so great!!! It's hilarious. Good, clean, comedy. I loved it!
on 25 July 2001
braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavo your are the master here
i can't find any words to describe this amazing
work.......but please could you tell me which
programs did you used to complete this work ??!!
braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavo your are the master here
i can't find any words to describe this amazing
work.......but please could you tell me which
programs did you used to complete this work ??!!
on 12 July 2001
Amazing job...did you script it for the music or vise versa?
Amazing job...did you script it for the music or vise versa?
on 25 May 2001
absolut great! The best I ever saw. I love to see it all the year round. Is it possible to put it on my homepage for christmas? Because a lot of people should see it. Thanks. Let me know, if you do more like this.
absolut great! The best I ever saw. I love to see it all the year round. Is it possible to put it on my homepage for christmas? Because a lot of people should see it. Thanks. Let me know, if you do more like this.
on 9 May 2001
WOW!!! Your THE BOMB!!! That was the most excellent inspirational short animation i've ever seen. Its up there with "Gerie's Game" and "Luxo JR".Makes me want to get on the ball and create an animation. I really hope that Pixar or Dreamworks picks you up as a story writer/animator.I definatly hope to see more from you in the future!
WOW!!! Your THE BOMB!!! That was the most excellent inspirational short animation i've ever seen. Its up there with "Gerie's Game" and "Luxo JR".Makes me want to get on the ball and create an animation. I really hope that Pixar or Dreamworks picks you up as a story writer/animator.I definatly hope to see more from you in the future!
on 2 April 2001
an absolutely fantastic piece of animation-i'm lost for words!! the words genius, masterpiece, amazing immediately spring to mind. keep up the good work, disney and warner bros. have nothing on you!!!
an absolutely fantastic piece of animation-i'm lost for words!! the words genius, masterpiece, amazing immediately spring to mind. keep up the good work, disney and warner bros. have nothing on you!!!
on 27 March 2001
Ornaments! Excellent in every respect; choreography, music, and story line, all top-notch! The people that produced this film are truly a rare breed today. Hopefully you will be much in demand for future projects (big budget!). We need more people like you in this field, rather than the trash being made. I'm speaking specifically of the Hannibal movie, MGM, Ridley Scott, the director, and Anthony Hopkins. All supposed professionals, that couldn't see the cheap, amateurish, socially irresponsible, piece of pure garbage that they made, and stop production in it's tracks. That project was all about their pocketbooks and deadlines, and had nothing to do with cinematic quality, whatsoever! The makers of "Ornaments", should be very proud of themselves, as they have already achieved a level of excellence that the Hannibal crew should have by now, after their years of experience in the industry. Great job folks!
Ornaments! Excellent in every respect; choreography, music, and story line, all top-notch! The people that produced this film are truly a rare breed today. Hopefully you will be much in demand for future projects (big budget!). We need more people like you in this field, rather than the trash being made. I'm speaking specifically of the Hannibal movie, MGM, Ridley Scott, the director, and Anthony Hopkins. All supposed professionals, that couldn't see the cheap, amateurish, socially irresponsible, piece of pure garbage that they made, and stop production in it's tracks. That project was all about their pocketbooks and deadlines, and had nothing to do with cinematic quality, whatsoever! The makers of "Ornaments", should be very proud of themselves, as they have already achieved a level of excellence that the Hannibal crew should have by now, after their years of experience in the industry. Great job folks!
on 11 March 2001
Not bad.
Not bad.
on 6 March 2001
It´s great
It´s great
on 5 March 2001
on 4 March 2001
Again someone was ahead of me :)
M&A said what I think of the movie..
Great...everything... :)
I just...can't find words...
Again someone was ahead of me :)
M&A said what I think of the movie..
Great...everything... :)
I just...can't find words...
on 28 February 2001
I like it
I like it
on 27 February 2001
A masterpiece in Disney class. If only I could do things like that ..
A masterpiece in Disney class. If only I could do things like that ..
on 26 February 2001
Wow, this was a very imaginative piece. I loved the musical choreography. Very well thought out short...Can't wait for the next one by Aaron!
Wow, this was a very imaginative piece. I loved the musical choreography. Very well thought out short...Can't wait for the next one by Aaron!
on 26 February 2001
Absolutely superb!!!
Absolutely superb!!!
on 25 February 2001
“Ornaments”…!? A MASTERPIECE…. An ingeniously created Christmas classic, BRAVO..! One-man job..! It is amazing..!. Skillfully done transitions between fantastic choice of classical music, integrated with the movements of little Santa ….. Great choreography..! Wonderful storyline… No violence yet action filled, something refreshing…. Hope to see more of your work in the future. This is definitely a “10” in my book.
“Ornaments”…!? A MASTERPIECE…. An ingeniously created Christmas classic, BRAVO..! One-man job..! It is amazing..!. Skillfully done transitions between fantastic choice of classical music, integrated with the movements of little Santa ….. Great choreography..! Wonderful storyline… No violence yet action filled, something refreshing…. Hope to see more of your work in the future. This is definitely a “10” in my book.