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Ice Age 2

4.00/5 (249 votes)
Downloads : 94759
donwloadUploaded on 1/3/06
The Ice Age 2 Trailer. Fantastic !
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abuhebah on 14 December 2009
i like it, and my daughter likes it too.
consongvo86 on 21 May 2009
thanks everybody
consongvo86 on 21 May 2009
this film so good and funny. thanks
bond on 28 November 2008
thnx very much we wait more
Mourad Tunisia on 31 May 2006
Thank you so much to give us a chance to see all movies that we prefer for free.
jojeo on 28 May 2006
i saw the ice age 1sr pat and it was very intersting that y i search for the secoung part:D it will be very gud too let me c
Jolly Joe Smoe on 6 May 2006
it means u hav to go into ur movie playing program (depending on wat format u downloaded the file in, u may need to get a program called TCPMP or PocketTV) and then do something like Menu->Open File -> (browse to where u stored the file on ur phone) and then play it.

good luck
dunk on 10 March 2006
Oh I can't download
richard on 4 March 2006
i m having 'o2 mini'
i downloaded ur trailer into my pocket pc through wifi, but after dowloading it when tried to play an error poppod out saying 'run ur application first then open tge file from within the application'.
can u please tel me wat exactly to do once we download the file into 'my documents'

waiting for ur reply!!!!!