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3.70/5 (177 votes)
Downloads : 76085
donwloadUploaded on 27/10/01
Looking for the perfect job ?
This guy is quite a lucky one...
(May not suit if under 18 year old)
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softspot on 7 May 2005
when I get to the downloadpage there's no pic on which I can rightclick to download it... how can I judge a clip when I can't see it?
AirMedic on 2 December 2004
Not bad, thought it would be what it was. Still not bad.
kyel on 29 January 2004
Untamed_Soul on 11 November 2001
Wow, that'll be the motivational image I'll use when mowing the lawn, LOL
maisam on 7 November 2001
i have not downloaded it yet so i cant say any thing ! :o|
Carrion on 31 October 2001
A beautiful short clip. Great humor and yes, seems like the perfect job... if only it was not so tiring watching it... again and again and again. (***--)
fab on 29 October 2001
i almost got fired because of this video, so i like it very much now...
Slippery on 29 October 2001
This clip was the brain child of my warped little mind... then I lost my job... so ironically I'm now looking for my dream job... go figure.