The Substation, Singapore (November 2007 - October 2007)
Basic Acting Course
Animation Mentor (March 2005 - November 2006)
Diploma in Advanced Character Animation Studies

Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore (February 2005 - now)
• Development and instruction of character animation and motion capture curriculum for classes.
• Character animator on commercial projects. Manual key framing.
• Motion Capture Supervisor – 18 nos.Vicon MX F40+ cameras.
Silicon illusions Pte Ltd, Singapore (March 1998 - September 2004)
Senior 3D Artist/Lead
• Lead 3D Artist/ Mocap Supervisor for an animated feature film “Sing To The Dawn” handling 3D production, animation and pipeline development.
• Character modeling and rigging.
• Mocap Supervisor, handling setting up capture sessions, data editing, cleaning, retargeting, importing in 3D and editing/keyframing using custom built rigs.
• SoftImage XSI Certified Instructor, conducting XSI certification for local and overseas animators.
Pentafour Software, Chennai, India (July 1996 - March 1998)
Assistant Consultant
• 3D Modeler and Animator on the animated feature film "Sinbad: Beyond the Veil of Mists" trailer.
• 3D Modeler and Animator for TV Broadcast shows.

Maya (Expert)