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Bernie HiWash

4.10/5 (353 votes)
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donwloadUploaded on 3/11/02
Bernie HiWash is a Romantic comedy about a bored window cleaner named Bernie.
Bernie tries to communicate with the people in the world on the other side of the window, but he is always rejected, until he arrives at Lauren's window, a hopelessly Romantic bored secretary.
He tries everything to get her attention.
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John on 31 December 2003
Great story and I really love it
Consider to get an Oscar?
chi on 11 July 2003
good, good.
bc on 20 March 2003
This movie is great. It has great graphics. It is also a great length. I hope they continue to develop movies this length with great graphics. The best one I have seen. Great Movie!!!!
BMC on 20 March 2003
Great Movie!!!!!!!!!!!
cyril on 18 March 2003
great movie.
very good.
better than final fantasy.
my favorite actor is the bird.
i like birds, because i'm a chicken who live in a larch...
i also like cookies.
vic on 15 March 2003
great movie,.. first, i thought it's too long for this simple idea and gonna be boring, but turned to a great romantic comedy with some bird gags on it,.. bird reminded me the furry thing in ice age (not very related to story, just there for make us laugh),..
Espen Taark on 17 February 2003
Thats the most boring movie i have ever seen!!!
thierry from paris on 4 January 2003
bravo pour cette animation particulièrement réussie. le jeu des acteurs est parfait et vraiment drôle, ainsi que le choix des plans... merci !!!
debbie on 23 December 2002
how can i download the mpeg to macintush???
mushaofeng on 22 December 2002
Oren BenTov on 16 December 2002
Thanks for the comments everyone.
Rob – The bird was so fun to work on, I wanted to make another scene with the bird in the end of the film, but do to the short college deadline I wasn’t able to complete it. I needed at least 4 more months to polish this film the way I wanted to, which I didn’t have. :/
Happy that you liked it :)
Zip on 7 December 2002
Good story, great humour, good music & what a good bird ! I thoroughly enjoyed this and although not an animator etc thought I'd offer the following - The 'human' elements/body language could benefit from a clearer representation/graphics e.g. the man's eyes are those of a life long looser looking for a break, but the lady was mixed - was she just 2D (semi-pretty eyes) or was she a true romantic with deepness ?

Really enjoyed this - Thanks !
Quentin Tarantin (just joking, Rob from Holland) on 7 December 2002
Very Nice, romantic comedy. Great story. Great end!
But what happened to the little fat bird?
Wouldn't it be romantic when his hat fell off and the bird dropped in?

Just a suggestion...

Good luck with your movies!

Kevin on 1 December 2002
Loved it. Great ideas. I love the bird, especially when he plops down face first in
the nest :-)

characters are girl: too stiff and poser like
guy: too wobley, like he has no
spine bones.

good job.
Sean on 29 November 2002
It was a curious little piece, like watching computer-generated marionettes (and that ain't a bad thing, gang). Some nice touches (like the bird); some that don't quite work (like the expressions)... but all in all, a very charming little piece.
STB on 26 November 2002
i think the animation is quite bad. the facial expression looks stiff, especially the girl, she looks like a zoombie, made from some template software like poser or something.
omkar on 23 November 2002
waow. c'est super. quel timing, quel swing. try to improve the faces, expression and beauty. Bentov movie is great. c'est dans la poche.
Gearsyndrome on 18 November 2002
A touching story. Great animation. The music complements the clip exceptionally. Something tells me though that the guy won't get the girl after all. Let's face it - she is a cutie. But the guy's face is outright triangular. I mean, he better have a beautiful soul. In any case, good luck to them.
T C on 16 November 2002
Simply loved it!!! The story,the animation,and the music........brilliant!!!
Oren BenTov on 12 November 2002
Thanks :)
More comments would be very much appreciated
Things you like or stuff you didnt like.
Any suggestions are welcome.

fabinoche on 6 November 2002
Fantastic short film ! That's not only a fabulous animation but also a lovely story. Great rythm, very funny gags, plus poetry, charm, and a beautiful ending ! Either it's a dream or just the greatest love story that I've seen since Gone with the wind, The English patient and Austin powers... Thousands of thanks !
Boris on 6 November 2002
This 3D animation is really good. I particularly appreciate the bird that is really funny. Moreover I want the same secretary.